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Gun Violence in America

Tue, Sep 26


Hot Springs

The Hon. Wendell Griffin will be speaking at our September meeting on the epidemic of gun violence in Arkansas and the U.S. Social time starts at 5:30 pm with the meeting convening at 6:00 pm. Cash bar and snacks available for purchase.

Gun Violence in America
Gun Violence in America

Time & Location

Sep 26, 2023, 5:30 PM

Hot Springs, 1008 Central Ave, Hot Springs National Park, AR 71901, USA

About the Event

Wendell Griffin will take a critical look at the connection between gun violence - in Arkansas and the US

- and the myths too many of us have uncritically accepted as truth. Hence, we see no disconnect

between the hypocrisy and gun violence, in Arkansas and across the US. He considesr what theologian

Walter Wink called “the myth of redemptive violence”—the belief that violence saves, that war brings

peace, and that might makes right— to be delusional. This hypocrisy has us teaching children to sing

“Let There Be Peace On Earth” despite knowing we live in the US, the society Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

called “the world’s greatest purveyor of violence.”

Until and unless we confront and disavow the myth of redemptive violence and the way it contributes to

gun idolatry, we are doomed to suffer more gun violence, especially because we are unwilling to see

that gun idolatry is commercialized, valorized, socialized, and (saddest of all) sacralized.

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