Garland County Quorum Court
Attend the February 10, 6pm Meeting of the Garland County Quorum Court at the Mahoney Building, 210 Woodbine in Hot Springs to speak against the Resolution to officially declare Garland County "prolife."
Hot Springs NAACP
Attend a meeting of NAACP Unit #6013 on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 2pm at the Webb Center, 127 Pleasant Street, Hot Springs.
Join Democratic Party of Garland County
Join DPGC and attend a monthly meeting. It is free to join.

Note: The phone numbers listed are "live" when the legislature is in session. You will need to know the name of your Arkansas Legislator, either Senator (for SB) or Representative(for HB,) when you call.
House Bill 1221 & 1222
These bills will weaken the citizen initiative process. Call 501/682-6211 to deliver a pink slip during the session to Vote No.
Senate Bill 3
This bill will remove DEI from multiple levels of government. Call 501/682-2902 to leave a pink slip to Vote No.
House Bill 1204
This bill is tort reform that will limit payment to individuals seeking civil damages. Call 501/682-6211 to leave a pink slip to Vote No.
House Bill 1144
This bill will require private schools accepting vouchers to meet the same reporting standards as public schools. Call 501/682-6211 to leave a pink slip to Vote No.
Senate Bill 59
This bill will provide free breakfast in public schools. Call 501/682-2902 to leave a pink slip to Vote Yes.
Senate Bill 2
This bill will remove flouride treatment from water supplies. Call 501/682-2902 to leave a pink slip to Vote No.
Senate Bill 84
This bill will remove protections for contamination of the Buffalo River. Call 501/682-2902 to leave a pink slip to Vote No.